Kahlil Gibran Collective


The Syrian American Directory Almanac 1930, New York: Arida & Andria, 1929, pp. 17, 43.

The Syrian American Directory Almanac 1930, New York: Arida & Andria, 1929, pp. 17, 43.

The Syrian Poet (Portrait of Kahlil Gibran), Paintings by Maurice Fromkes, The Art Institute of Chicago [Exhibition Guide], April 15-May 15, 1921.

The Syrian Poet (Portrait of Kahlil Gibran), Paintings by Maurice Fromkes, The Art Institute of Chicago [Exhibition Guide], April 15-May 15, 1921.

The Third International Gibran Conference: Gibran in the 21st Century: Lebanon's Message to the World, January 4-6, 2018

The Third International Gibran Conference: Gibran in the 21st Century: Lebanon's Message to the World, January 4-6, 2018

The Way Seemed Long and Rough (Unpublished Manuscript), Josephine Preston Peabody papers
The Way Seemed Long and Rough (Unpublished Manuscript), Josephine Preston Peabody papers
Harvard University - Houghton Library / Peabody, Josephine Preston, 1874-1922. Josephine Preston Peabody papers, 1896-1924. MS Am 1990 (89). Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
The Works of Kahlil Gibran exhibit catalog, The Arab American Society of Houston and University of Houston Libraries, May 1, 1970-June 1, 1970.
The Works of Kahlil Gibran exhibit catalog, The Arab American Society of Houston and University of Houston Libraries, May 1, 1970-June 1, 1970
To Aid Starving Armenians Today, "Arizona Republic" (Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America), 21 Oct 1916

To Aid Starving Armenians Today, "Arizona Republic" (Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, United States of America), 21 Oct 1916, p. 12. 

To Albert Pinkham Ryder, New York: privately printed by Cosmos & Wasburn, 1915.
To Albert Pinkham Ryder, New York: privately printed by Cosmos & Wasburn, 1915.
To Young Americans of Syrian Origin [Essay], Mohammed, Prophet of Islam [Drawing], The Syrian World (July 1926)

To Young Americans of Syrian Origin [Essay], Mohammed, Prophet of Islam [Drawing], The Syrian World (July 1926), pp. 4-5; no page number [digitized by the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA].

Today Even As Yesterday - Unpublished Manuscript (Barbara Young Collection)

Today Even As Yesterday - Unpublished Manuscript (Barbara Young Collection)


[Today Even As Yesterday] Today, the sun is in the sky Even as yesterday And the birds sing ceaselessly in the forest Yet lightless is my day and songless. Even as yesterday The wind dances upon the hills And the bay trees and the lilies Melt tenderly into space Yet breathless is my day and scentless. Today, my heart throbs Even as yesterday Yet here it lies in a coffin as dead. The hours beat the muffled drums And memory, half dumb, Speaks the funeral oration. And regret is digging the grave. O love, you who walk the earth in search of life Lay your hand again upon my heart And say it is not dead. Disperse these mourners And let me rise again To walk with you Even as yesterday.

In 1925 the poet Barbara Young (pseudonym of Henrietta Breckenridge Boughton) became Gibran’s secretary. She remained with Gibran for the rest of his life and played a major role in events after his death.

Trevor Le Gassick, "Modern Arabic Prose Literature: An Introduction", Michigan University, Ann Arbor., Institute of International Studie, Washington, D.C., 1970.
Trevor Le Gassick, "Modern Arabic Prose Literature: An Introduction", Michigan University, Ann Arbor., Institute of International Studie, Washington, D.C., 1970.
Untitled Drawing [Starving Family - Cover], Mata Ahli [Poem], al-Ja’i`ah al-Musta`tiyah [Drawing], Wijh Ummi, Wijh Ummati [Drawing], al-Funun 2, no. 5 (October 1916)

Untitled Drawing [Starving Family - Cover], Mata Ahli [Poem], al-Ja’i`ah al-Musta`tiyah [Drawing], Wijh Ummi, Wijh Ummati [Drawing], al-Funun 2, no. 5 (October 1916), pp. 385-389; 390; 420 [digitized by www.al-funun.org (Nasib Aridah Organization)].

Untitled Poem, al-Funun 3, no. 6 (June 1918)

Untitled Poem, al-Funun 3, no. 6 (June 1918), p. 465 [digitized by the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA].

Victor Hakim, La littérature syro-libanaise de langue arabe, "Les Nouvelles littéraires, artistiques et scientifiques", 12-1-1935, p. 6.

Victor Hakim, La littérature syro-libanaise de langue arabe, "Les Nouvelles littéraires, artistiques et scientifiques", 12-1-1935, p. 6.

Wadīʻ Amīn Dīb, al-Shiʻr al-ʻArabī fī al-mahjar al-Amrīkī (Arabic Poetry in American Diaspora), Bayrūt: Dār al-Rayḥānī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr, 1955.

Wadīʻ Amīn Dīb, al-Shiʻr al-ʻArabī fī al-mahjar al-Amrīkī (Arabic Poetry in American Diaspora), Bayrūt: Dār al-Rayḥānī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr, 1955.

Wafa' Stephan, The Personality of Gibran Khalil Gibran: A Psychological Study of his Life and Work [book review], Al-Raida, November 1, 1983

Wafa' Stephan, The Personality of Gibran Khalil Gibran: A Psychological Study of his Life and Work [book review], Al-Raida, November 1, 1983, Vol. VI, No. 26, pp. 1, 7-9.

Waïl S. Hassan, "The rise of Arab-American literature: Orientalism and cultural translation in the work of Ameen Rihani", American Literary History, Volume 20, Issue 1-2, Spring-Summer 2008, pp. 245-275.
Waïl S. Hassan, "The rise of Arab-American literature: Orientalism and cultural translation in the work of Ameen Rihani", American Literary History, Volume 20, Issue 1-2, Spring-Summer 2008, pp. 245-275.
War and the Small Nations, The Borzoi, New York: Knopf, 1920

War and the Small Nations, The Borzoi, New York: Knopf, 1920 p. 88-89

William H. Shehadi Collection of Kahlil Gibran (C1178), Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, 2007.

William H. Shehadi Collection of Kahlil Gibran (C1178), Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, 2007.

William Isaac Cole, Immigrant Races in Massachusetts: The Syrians, Massachusetts, Department of Education, Division of Education of Aliens, 1920.

William Isaac Cole, Immigrant Races in Massachusetts: The Syrians, Massachusetts, Department of Education, Division of Education of Aliens, 1920.

William Norman Guthrie and Gibran, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, 08 Nov 1919, Sat, p. 16; 24 Oct 1931, Sat, p. 11

William Norman Guthrie and Gibran, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, New York, 08 Nov 1919, Sat, p. 16; 24 Oct 1931, Sat, p. 11